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New Student Enrollment


Inspiring and Empowering Every Child, Every Day

Welcome students and families!

Educational Service Center 
14015 62nd Avenue NW 
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
P: (253) 530-1000

Michael Farmer

Chief of Schools


Julie Shultz-Bartlett

Deputy Chief of Schools


John Yellowlees

Chief Academic Officer


Tonya Beattie

Executive Assistant, Chief of Schools

Welcome to the Peninsula School District! We are excited to have you join our community. Our goal is to make the enrollment process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Below, you will find all the information you need to enroll your new student.


Enroll for the 2024-2025 school year Enroll for the 2025-2026 school year



Home Based Instruction Information Student Transfer Information Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten


Military families:  Please let your enrolling school know you are active military. We are a Purple Star District and will abide by the Interstate Compact guidelines.


Learn More About Our Purple Star Distinction


  1. Prepare age verification documents – PSD will accept any one of a variety of documents for purposes of verifying a student’s age, including but not limited to:
    • A birth certificate;
    • A passport;
    • An entry in a family Bible;
    • An adoption record;
    • An affidavit from a parent;
    • A previously verified school record; or 
    • Any other document permitted by law.
  2.  Prepare other required documents. 
    • Proof of address such as a utility bill, or if unavailable a lease agreement. 
    • A medically verified immunization record. Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry on or before the first day of school attendance.
  3. Complete the online registration – Need more support?
    • In-person assistance is available! Call the district office or your child’s new school to schedule a visit. You may visit your child’s school to use a school Chromebook to enroll online.
    • For other questions, contact the enrollment services at (253) 530-1000 or email
  4. Submit any additional forms.
    • Home Language Survey
    • Request for Student Records
    • Health History Form – A list of allergies and medications.

Required Documents for Registration

Age verification documentation:

Peninsula School District will accept any one of a variety of documents for purposes of verifying a student's age, including but not limited to:

  • A birth certificate;
  • A passport;
  • An entry in a family Bible;
  • An adoption record;
  • An affidavit from a parent;
  • A previously verified school record; or
  • Any other document permitted by law.

Other required documents

  • Proof of Address - We will accept a utility bill, or when not available, lease agreements.
  • Medically Verified Immunization Record - See corresponding school year below for requirements.

Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ATTENDANCE

​​​​​​Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry on or before the first day of school attendance.

The medically verified record includes one or more of the following:

  • Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) printed from the Immunization Information System (IIS)
  • A physical copy of the CIS with a healthcare provider signature
  • A physical copy of the CIS with accompanying medical immunization records from a healthcare provider verified and signed by school staff
  • A CIS printed from MyIR Mobile
  • Certificate of Exemption (COE) completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the healthcare provider for personal/philosophical, religious or medical exemption (no personal/philosophical exemption allowed for the MMR vaccine)
  • Certificate of Exemption (COE) completed and signed by the parent for religious membership exemption indicating membership in a church or religious body whose beliefs or teachings do not allow for medical treatment by a healthcare provider.

 Click on any of the following resources for more information:


Find Your Neighborhood School

If you wish to attend a school other than your home school, view the Transfer Request process. Students with an approved transfer will need to be transported to and from school or to an established bus stop that services the school.


 Information about Henderson Bay High School


Pioneer Elementary School is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) magnet school. Enrollment takes place via lottery each March for incoming Kindergarten through 5th grade students.

Learn More About Pioneer

Peninsula School District offers a range of early childhood programs to meet the needs of our youngest students, including part-day and full-day options from Monday to Thursday, and full-day programs Monday to Friday. Each program has specific enrollment requirements.

To simplify the process, parents can submit an interest survey to help us connect you to the program that best fits your child and family's needs. All programs are free for district residents.

Screening for the 2025-26 school year will be announced soon.

Learn More about Pre-K at PSD

    1. Prepare age verification documents – PSD will accept any one of a variety of documents for purposes of verifying a student’s age, including but not limited to:
      • A birth certificate;
      • A passport;
      • An entry in a family Bible;
      • An adoption record;
      • An affidavit from a parent;
      • A previously verified school record; or 
      • Any other document permitted by law.
    2.  Prepare other required documents. 
      • Proof of address such as a utility bill, or if unavailable a lease agreement. 
      • A medically verified immunization record. Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry on or before the first day of school attendance.
    3. Complete the online registration – Need more support?
      • In-person assistance is available! Call the district office or your child’s new school to schedule a visit. You may visit your child’s school to use a school Chromebook to enroll online.
      • For other questions, contact the enrollment services at (253) 530-1000 or email
    4. Submit any additional forms.
      • Home Language Survey
      • Request for Student Records
      • Health History Form – A list of allergies and medications.
  • Required Documents for Registration

    Age verification documentation:

    Peninsula School District will accept any one of a variety of documents for purposes of verifying a student's age, including but not limited to:

    • A birth certificate;
    • A passport;
    • An entry in a family Bible;
    • An adoption record;
    • An affidavit from a parent;
    • A previously verified school record; or
    • Any other document permitted by law.

    Other required documents

    • Proof of Address - We will accept a utility bill, or when not available, lease agreements.
    • Medically Verified Immunization Record - See corresponding school year below for requirements.

    Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ATTENDANCE

  • ​​​​​​Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry on or before the first day of school attendance.

    The medically verified record includes one or more of the following:

    • Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) printed from the Immunization Information System (IIS)
    • A physical copy of the CIS with a healthcare provider signature
    • A physical copy of the CIS with accompanying medical immunization records from a healthcare provider verified and signed by school staff
    • A CIS printed from MyIR Mobile
    • Certificate of Exemption (COE) completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the healthcare provider for personal/philosophical, religious or medical exemption (no personal/philosophical exemption allowed for the MMR vaccine)
    • Certificate of Exemption (COE) completed and signed by the parent for religious membership exemption indicating membership in a church or religious body whose beliefs or teachings do not allow for medical treatment by a healthcare provider.

     Click on any of the following resources for more information:


    Find Your Neighborhood School

    If you wish to attend a school other than your home school, view the Transfer Request process. Students with an approved transfer will need to be transported to and from school or to an established bus stop that services the school.


     Information about Henderson Bay High School


    Pioneer Elementary School is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) magnet school. Enrollment takes place via lottery each March for incoming Kindergarten through 5th grade students.

    Learn More About Pioneer

  • Peninsula School District offers a range of early childhood programs to meet the needs of our youngest students, including part-day and full-day options from Monday to Thursday, and full-day programs Monday to Friday. Each program has specific enrollment requirements.

    To simplify the process, parents can submit an interest survey to help us connect you to the program that best fits your child and family's needs. All programs are free for district residents.

    Screening for the 2025-26 school year will be announced soon.

    Learn More about Pre-K at PSD

Enrollment FAQs

  • Washington State Law (WAC 246-105) requires all new students to have a medically verified immunization record for school entry on or before the first day of school attendance.

    The medically verified record includes one or more of the following:

    • A Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) printed from the Immunization Information System (IIS) 
    • A physical copy of the CIS with a healthcare provider signature
    • A physical copy of the CIS with accompanying medical immunization records from a healthcare provider verified and signed by school staff
    • A CIS printed from MyIR Mobile
    • A Certificate of Exemption (COE) completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the healthcare provider for personal/philosophical, religious or medical exemption (no personal/philosophical exemption allowed for the MMR vaccine)
    • A Certificate of Exemption (COE) completed and signed by the parent for religious membership exemption indicating membership in a church or religious body whose beliefs or teachings do not allow for medical treatment by a healthcare provider.

    Click on any of the following resources for more information:

  • Please follow the steps below to create an account and enroll your student(s) online.

    *Make sure you select the form for the correct School Year.*

    1. Click the Create Account button.
    2. Complete all of the required fields (* indicates required).
    3. Place a check in the box indicating that you agree with the terms and conditions.
    4. Click Create Account.

    You will receive an email stating that you have successfully created an account.

    Enroll your student(s) – This process allows you to complete the enrollment forms and upload the necessary documents to enroll your student. If you don’t have time to complete the enrollment process you can save and return to the form later to complete. If you don’t have the ability to upload the necessary documents you can bring them to the school.

    1. Log into the account you created.
    2. Click New Student Enrollment for the year your student will be attending.
    3. Read carefully and complete all required questions (marked with a *).
    4. Click next to move to the next page.
    5. It is important to enter all data accurately and in the format requested.
    6. When you get to the Documents page you may either upload the necessary documents or state yes you understand you must turn them in at your child’s school.
    7. You will not be able to submit your form until all required fields have been completed.
    8. Once you submit you will not be able to go back in and change what you entered. You will need to contact the school for any changes.
    9. You will receive an email confirmation that your form has been submitted.
    10. If you have not uploaded your student’s documents please bring them to their school during regular school hours.
  • Yes, online enrollment may be submitted without uploading the required documents. You will give these forms to your child’s school office before the first day of attendance.

    • Moving into the School District mid-way through the school year? Please reach out to the school that your student will be attending for assistance.
    • Kindergarten registration opens on February 26, 2025 for the 2025-26 school year.
  • We accept out of district transfer students for kindergarten and all grades, based on available space at our schools. The open period for choice transfer requests is May 1 - 31, and we encourage you to submit your paperwork early.

    View more information about transfer requests.

    To submit your transfer request, please visit the OSPI Transfer Request portal.


Please click on the tabs below for specific information about each category.


Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open February 26.  In order to enroll your child for kindergarten, they must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025. Enrollment must be completed online. The Peninsula School District offers full-day Kindergarten, 5 days a week at all elementary schools.

La inscripción para jardín de infantes comienza en línea el 26 de febrero de 2025.

Регистрация в детский сад откроется онлайн 26 февраля 2025 года.

Registering your child early offers the best opportunity to receive communication about summertime school events and to receive Kindergarten specific information.

If you need help registering, you may visit your neighborhood school for assistance. Please contact the school prior to stopping by to ensure someone will be available to assist you during summer hours. Please keep in mind, our elementary offices are closed during the summer.


In order to enroll your child for 1st grade, they must be 6 years old by August 31st or have completed an accredited Washington State Kindergarten program in another school/district. Enrollment must be completed online. For more information, please call (253) 530-1007.  

Please keep in mind, our elementary offices are closed during the Summer. Please contact the school prior to stopping by to ensure someone will be available to assist you during summer hours.


All other grade placement will be determined by the student's academic level at transfer and assigned by the building principal. Enrollment must be completed online.

Please keep in mind, our elementary offices are closed during the summer while most middle and high school offices are open during the summer.

Please contact the school prior to stopping by to ensure someone will be available to assist you during summer hours.


For students that are new to Peninsula School District or returning from another school district, register your student online.


  • Create an account for the PowerSchool Registration system (you’ll need an email address).
  • Once logged into the system, click on New Student Registration and add your student
  • Once your student is added, you’ll be asked to fill out demographic, family, medical and emergency information. Once completed, review your registration and click submit.
  • If you are registering more than one student complete and submit one child’s registration, then start another. This will allow you to copy selected family information, which saves you time!
  • Once you’ve submitted your registration, you will be sent a confirmation email.


  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of District Residency (utility bill preferred)
  • Health History - list of allergies and meds
  • Completed and signed State of Washington Certificate of Immunization Form (CIS)

Don’t Have Access to a Computer? Our schools have Chromebooks for you to use!

Questions? Contact your neighborhood school, visit psd401 website or email




  • Crear una cuenta para el sistema de registro (debe tener una dirección de correo electrónico).
  • Una vez que esté conectado al sistema, haga clic al botón ‘New Student Registration’ y añada a su estudiante.
  • Una vez que agregue a su estudiante, se le pedirá que complete información demográfica, familiar, médica y de emergencia. Una vez completado, revise su registro y haga clic en ‘enviar.’
  • Si está inscribiendo a más de un estudiante y envía el registro de un niño, comience con otro. Esto le permitirá copiar información familiar seleccionada, ¡Lo que le ahorrará tiempo!
  • Una vez que haya enviado su registro, se le enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación.


  • Certificado de hospital/ certificado de nacimiento
  • Comprobante de domicilio del distrito (se recomienda factura de servicios públicos)
  • Historia de la salud con la lista de alergias y medicamentos actuales
  • Formulario de Certificado de Inmunización completado y firmado

¿NO TIENEN ACCESO A UNA COMPUTADORA? ¡Nuestras escuelas tienen quioscos para que usted utilice!

¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con la escuela de su vecindario, visite psd401 website o envíe un correo electrónico a Si no está seguro de a qué escuela asistirá su hijo, vaya a para ver los mapas de área o llame al Departamento de Transporte al (253) 530-3900.