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Comprehensive Sexual Health Education



In response to the threat of HIV to our population, the 1988 Washington State Legislature mandated that a program of prevention education be presented to students yearly, beginning with the fifth grade.

For our HIV/AIDS prevention education, the Peninsula School District adopted the KNOW curriculum developed by OSPI for Grade 5 and the FLASH curriculum created by the King County Department of Health for Grades 6-8. These curricula were adopted with the involvement of educators, parents, and community members. They provide a science-based understanding of the AIDS virus and how it is transmitted. Lessons will be taught by teachers at our schools.


The Washington State law (AIDS Omnibus Bill, RCW 28A.230.070) states, “The life-threatening dangers of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and its prevention shall be taught in the public schools of this state. AIDS prevention education shall be limited to the discussion of the life-threatening dangers of the disease, its spread, and prevention.”

Parent(s) or guardian(s) will receive a 30-day notice from their school with the specific dates the KNOW and FLASH curriculum will be taught in the school. By clicking on the links at the bottom of this page, families can access the KNOW and FLASH curriculum online. If you are unable to access the materials online, please contact your child's teacher. 

In accordance with the AIDS Omnibus Bill, no student is required to participate in AIDS prevention education. Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child out of this learning by digitally signing the opt out form linked below. 



  • Elementary Curriculum Resources - Grade 5
  • Middle School Curriculum Resources - Grades 6 and 8

    6th Grade Curriculum - Curriculum preview presentation

    Lesson 1 - Female and Male Reproductive Systems

    Student Learning Objectives: The student will be able to...

    1. Describe basic reproductive organs and their functions; 
    2. Describe conception and its relation to the menstrual cycle; and 

    Lesson 2 - Gender Identity

    Student Learning Objectives: The students will be able to...

    1. Explain that everyone has a gender identity and a sexual orientation, and differentiate between them; 
    2. Communicate respectfully with and about people of all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations; and
    3. Explain that a person knows their gender identity because they feel like a boy, a girl, neither or somewhere in between, not because of their body parts.

    Lesson 3 - Healthy Relationships 

    Student Learning Objectives: The students will be able to...

    1. Explain that healthy relationships are not violent, but are based in mutual respect; 
    2. Explain that healthy relationships do not include physical or mental abuse;
    3. Know that it is important to talk with a family member and other trusted adults about relationships;
    4. Know that effective communication is important in relationships; and
    5. Understand that everyone has the right to set boundaries based on personal values.

    Lesson 4 - Abstinence

    Student Learning Objectives: The students will learn...

    1. Abstinence is choosing not to have any type of sexual contact; 
    2. Most high school and middle school students are abstinent; 
    3. Choosing abstinence means a person not have to worry about pregnancy or STDs; and 
    4. People can choose abstinence at any point in their lives, whether or not they have had sex before.

    Lesson 5 - HIV/AIDS and other STDs

    Students Learning Objectives: The students will learn...

    1. What HIV is and what AIDS is; 
    2. How someone can and cannot get HIV; and
    3. What an STD is and how to prevent them.

    8th Grade Curriculum - Curriculum preview presentation

    Lesson 1 - Female and Male Reproductive Systems and Pregnancy

    Student Learning Objectives: The student will be able to... 

    1. Describe basic reproductive organs and their functions for females and males; 
    2. Describe conception and its relationship to the menstrual cycle; and
    3. Describe the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

    Lesson 2 - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

    Student Learning Objectives; The student will learn...

    1. Everyone has a sexual orientation and a gender identity; 
    2. A person knows their gender identity because they feel like a boy, a girl, both, neither, or somewhere in between, not because of their body parts;  and 
    3. People of all sexual orientations and gender identities need to know how to prevent pregnancy and STDs, either for themselves or to help a friend.

    Lesson 3 - The Rules of Dating

    Student Learning Objectives;  The student will learn...

    1. United States laws on dating and sex; 
    2. Washington State Laws on relationships and sex;
    3. The definition of consent; 
    4. The definition of domestic/family violence and how to seek help; and 
    5. How to create healthy rules for dating in their own relationships.

    Lesson 4 - Abstinence

    Student Learning Objectives; The student will learn... 

    1. The facts about Abstinence and STDs. 

    Lesson 5 - Birth Control

    Student Learning Objectives; The student will learn...

    1. The different kinds of birth control methods and how to use them; 
    2. The effectiveness of each method; and
    3. How to obtain different methods of birth control.

    Lesson 6 - HIV/AIDS and other STDs

    Student Learning Objectives; The student will learn... 

    1. What is HIV and AIDs; 
    2. How you can and cannot contract HIV; and
    3. What are STDs and how to prevent them.

    Opt Out Form