Investigation into GHHS Girls Basketball Coaches Concludes

The Peninsula School District Superintendent’s office, School Board of Directors, and administrators appreciate our community’s patience as an investigation into allegations regarding the actions of GHHS Girls Basketball coaches made in January was underway. The investigation was performed by a district office investigator and a report was provided on Monday, January 24, to district administrators.
The investigator spoke with staff members, witnesses, and students, and reviewed the district’s employee policy and procedure. After reviewing the evidence, the investigator concluded employee Policy 5200 was violated, which is a no tolerance policy. To respect the privacy of our employees, no other information will be shared.
Our hope is that we can come together as a district in the spirit of respect and kindness, and work district-wide to support all of our students in a positive way that allows us to celebrate the hard work and achievements of our student athletics.
Families with questions or concerns can reach out to their school’s principal or email