Students will login to SchooLinks via ClassLink in the Student Portal. Then select the SchooLinks logo.
Guardian/Parents Login will be available through invitation from their student(s) accounts.
Counselor and Staff will login to SchooLinks via ClassLink in the PSD Portal. Then select the SchooLinks logo.
Information for Guardians
We are thrilled to introduce SchooLinks, our new college and career readiness platform designed to help students become career, college, and life-ready! SchooLinks offers a student-centered approach to exploring future pathways, and as a guardian, you play a key role in this journey. With your own SchooLinks account, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with your student as they navigate their career and college exploration process.
Through SchooLinks, you can:
SchooLinks also fosters communication with your student’s school counselor, allowing you to connect with them directly through the platform.
To get started, watch the Getting Started video and view the linked document (English; Spanish) for step-by-step instructions on creating your account. If you are unable to log in, try checking your PowerSchool email for accuracy. For more information on Guardian account features, you can visit this support website.
Top Questions for Students
How do I log in to SchooLinks?
Go to the student portal and log in using ClassLink.
What is onboarding, and why should I do it?
Onboarding is a quick setup process that helps you get started with SchooLinks. It only happens the first time you log in, so don’t skip it! It’s the best way to learn how to use the platform.
What kind of assessments can I take in SchooLinks?
You can take fun quizzes to explore your career interests, strengths, and even find out which celebrity learns the same way you do. These assessments are a great way to learn about yourself.
Why should I explore careers in SchooLinks?
School isn’t just about learning facts; it’s about preparing for life after school. Exploring careers can help you see what jobs and industries might interest you in the future.
Why should I set goals in SchooLinks?
Setting goals makes planning for life after school less overwhelming. You can create goals for going to college, getting a job, or anything else you want to work toward.
Why do I have to pick a CTE pathway?
Picking a pathway allows you to plan ahead to meet your CTE graduation requirements. However, the courses that you pick in your four year plan are a forecast, and you can update them each year.
It looks like there are other resources in Schoolinks about careers and the future - can I use those at any time?
Absolutely! We’d encourage you to spend time on the platform exploring the resources. Next year, High School and Beyond Plans will be completed in Schoolinks instead of Naviance. For more information, check out our website on High School and Beyond Planning.
How do I know if I’m on track for graduation?
There are a few requirements for high school graduation in Washington state - one of which is the Core 24. Students need to complete 24 credits in order to graduate - which means that by the end of 9th grade, students should have earned 6.0 credits.
As I’m working through the platform, I have questions. Where can I get help?
You can use the Schoolinks chatbot for individualized help on your planning process, talk with the teacher helping you in the registration process, use our online resources, or schedule an appointment with your counselor.
Top Questions for Parents and Guardians
How do you login to SchooLinks?
you can access your guardian account by going to the login website: If you are unable to log in, try checking your PowerSchool email for accuracy.
You can learn more about guardian accounts and how to login by visiting the following SchooLinks Website.
What career goal did my student set?
Students will set a career goal during the Find Your Path onboarding activity.
How much can my student make in their favorite career?
Students can find this type of information by exploring careers in the Career Center.
What is one college my student might apply to?
Students can learn about college options by exploring colleges in the College Search portal.
What is one strength my student didn't realize they had?
Students can learn more about themselves by taking SchooLinks' assessments, including the Learning Style Assessment and Focus Assessment.
We’re coming to PSD from out-of-district, how do we get registered for classes?
You’ll need to follow the enrollment process. For more information on the first steps, please visit this website.
Top Questions for Counselors and Staff
How do I log in to SchooLinks?
Go to the PSD Portal and log in using ClassLink.
What can I do on the SchooLinks dashboard?
The dashboard lets you see action items, your students’ outstanding to-dos, and an SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) overview of your students. Get familiar with these options to keep up with student progress.
How do I check my student lists?
Review your student lists to make sure all your students are there. You can explore individual student profiles to see their activities and goals.
How do I set up time for students to meet with me?
Use the Student Meeting Schedule feature to enter your available time blocks. This makes it easy for students to find a good time to meet with you.
How does SchooLinks help with talking to students?
SchooLinks isn’t meant to replace face-to-face conversations. Instead, it gives you helpful data and information so your discussions with students can be more productive and meaningful.
Top Questions for Students
How do I log in to SchooLinks?
Go to the student portal and log in using ClassLink.
What is onboarding, and why should I do it?
Onboarding is a quick setup process that helps you get started with SchooLinks. It only happens the first time you log in, so don’t skip it! It’s the best way to learn how to use the platform.
What kind of assessments can I take in SchooLinks?
You can take fun quizzes to explore your career interests, strengths, and even find out which celebrity learns the same way you do. These assessments are a great way to learn about yourself.
Why should I explore careers in SchooLinks?
School isn’t just about learning facts; it’s about preparing for life after school. Exploring careers can help you see what jobs and industries might interest you in the future.
Why should I set goals in SchooLinks?
Setting goals makes planning for life after school less overwhelming. You can create goals for going to college, getting a job, or anything else you want to work toward.
Why do I have to pick a CTE pathway?
Picking a pathway allows you to plan ahead to meet your CTE graduation requirements. However, the courses that you pick in your four year plan are a forecast, and you can update them each year.
It looks like there are other resources in Schoolinks about careers and the future - can I use those at any time?
Absolutely! We’d encourage you to spend time on the platform exploring the resources. Next year, High School and Beyond Plans will be completed in Schoolinks instead of Naviance. For more information, check out our website on High School and Beyond Planning.
How do I know if I’m on track for graduation?
There are a few requirements for high school graduation in Washington state - one of which is the Core 24. Students need to complete 24 credits in order to graduate - which means that by the end of 9th grade, students should have earned 6.0 credits.
As I’m working through the platform, I have questions. Where can I get help?
You can use the Schoolinks chatbot for individualized help on your planning process, talk with the teacher helping you in the registration process, use our online resources, or schedule an appointment with your counselor.
Top Questions for Parents and Guardians
How do you login to SchooLinks?
you can access your guardian account by going to the login website: If you are unable to log in, try checking your PowerSchool email for accuracy.
You can learn more about guardian accounts and how to login by visiting the following SchooLinks Website.
What career goal did my student set?
Students will set a career goal during the Find Your Path onboarding activity.
How much can my student make in their favorite career?
Students can find this type of information by exploring careers in the Career Center.
What is one college my student might apply to?
Students can learn about college options by exploring colleges in the College Search portal.
What is one strength my student didn't realize they had?
Students can learn more about themselves by taking SchooLinks' assessments, including the Learning Style Assessment and Focus Assessment.
We’re coming to PSD from out-of-district, how do we get registered for classes?
You’ll need to follow the enrollment process. For more information on the first steps, please visit this website.
Top Questions for Counselors and Staff
How do I log in to SchooLinks?
Go to the PSD Portal and log in using ClassLink.
What can I do on the SchooLinks dashboard?
The dashboard lets you see action items, your students’ outstanding to-dos, and an SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) overview of your students. Get familiar with these options to keep up with student progress.
How do I check my student lists?
Review your student lists to make sure all your students are there. You can explore individual student profiles to see their activities and goals.
How do I set up time for students to meet with me?
Use the Student Meeting Schedule feature to enter your available time blocks. This makes it easy for students to find a good time to meet with you.
How does SchooLinks help with talking to students?
SchooLinks isn’t meant to replace face-to-face conversations. Instead, it gives you helpful data and information so your discussions with students can be more productive and meaningful.